Jaypee University Anoopshahr

Admissions Open for AY 2024-25. Apply Online at https://getadmissions.com/jaypee/
Admissions Open for AY 2024-25. Apply Online at https://getadmissions.com/jaypee


जेपी विश्वविद्यालय अनूपशहर , उ. प्र. , भारत


Curriculum Objectives

In Engineering

  • The University curricula, teaching and training programs, extramural activities, interactions with industry and community and academic ambience ensure that its graduates possess :

    • Sound theoretical knowledge in their chosen professional field.
    • Ability to apply knowledge gained in the University, or acquired through their own efforts and experience, to the workplace for solution of a given problem in a cost- and time-efficient manner (e.g. fully trained in problem solving techniques).
    • Capacity to learn new skills and procedures and an attitude for life-long learning and remaining abreast in their own specialization.
    • Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs.
    • Capacity to work with minimum supervision and an ability to take decisions.
    • Highly developed communication skills, both oral and written, and an ability to prepare and present reports at short notice.
    • Ability to function harmoniously in multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural groups, and develop a high level of interpersonal skills.
    • Skills to indentify problems and innovate solutions.
    • Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
    • Understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal and environmental context.
    • Knowledge of contemporary social, economic, and technological issues.
    • Entrepreneurial ability for starting new ventures.
    • Understanding of IPR and exposure to international management practices.
    • Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

    In Humanities and Social Sciences


    Humanities and social science curriculum plays a vital role in grooming the graduates by imbibing the values of Literature, Economics, Psychology and Sociology. The aim of these courses is to foster an academic ambience for making the students aware of the various issues concerning man and society, and to cultivate critical mind and analytical capabilities so that the students possess:

    • Understanding of professional, ethical and aesthetic responsibilities.
    • Understanding of written and verbal communication skills.
    • Awareness of global integration, business, finance, administration, legal and social laws
    • Logical and Numerical ability.
    • Ability to understand human behaviour, thinking, personality, attitude, perception and human processes at work and service.
    • Understanding the contemporary complex patterns of social behaviour and awareness of inequality in the society.

    In Sciences


    In the faculty of science, the curriculum is designed to ensure that the graduates of this program combine the following important abilities and skills:

    • Knowledge in Basic Sciences covering different fields of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Science and Electronics.
    • Exhibit problem solving skills using acquired practical skills and the knowledge of tools to undertake scientific experiments.
    • Ability to design and analyse systems and the processes involving various aspects/components used in Physical Sciences.
    • Integrate practical expertise and obtain sound domain knowledge of both core and ancillary areas across different disciplines of Physical Sciences.
    • Exhibit effective communication skills, professionalism and team work.
    • Pursue higher studies at premier University of higher learning in India and abroad through various competitive examinations.