

जेपी विश्वविद्यालय अनुपशहर, उ. प्र., भारत



Dr. Suman Saha

Associate Professor

Email: suman.saha@mail.jaypeeu.ac.in

About me

Alumnus of ISI Kolkata, skilled in Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Cryptography, Machine Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. Strong education professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) focused in Network Science. Specialist for Google CodeJam, ACM ICPC, Kaggle and Crypto Challenge. Author of the book titled “Advanced Data Structure: Theory and Applications”, published by CRC Press.


Cryptography, Reinforcement Learning, System Programming.

Ph.D.(JUIT Waknaghat, 2017)
20 yrs (15 yrs teaching and 5 yrs research)
Key Publications

Book:S. Saha and S. Shukla, Advanced Data Structures. Chapman and Hall/CRC, Jun. 2019. doi: 10.1201/9780429488757.

  1. S Saha, SP Ghrera, Low Rank Approximation for Community Detection in Large Complex Networks, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications 2016.
  2. S Saha, SP Ghrera, Nearest Neighbor search in the Metric Space of a Complex Network for Community Detection, Information (Special Issue: Online Social Networks and Implications )7, 2016.
  3. S Saha, SP Ghrera Network Community Detection on Metric Space, Algorithms 8 (Special Issue: Clustering Algorithms), 680-696, 2015.
  4. M Sharma, S Saha, An Efficient Round robin Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm in MapReduce Framework, INROADS-An International Journal of Jaipur National University 3 (1s), 106-110, 2014.
  5. CP Singh, S Saha, SK Saurabh, Link Analysis to Visualize a Web Graph, IJCSI , May 2012 9 (3).
  6. S Saha, CA Murthy, SK Pal, Application of rough ensemble classifier to web services categorization and focused crawling, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal 8 (2), 181-202, 2010.
  7. S Saha, C Murthy, S Pal, A novel split and merge technique for hypertext classification, Transactions on rough sets XII, 192-210, 2010.
  8. S Saha, CA Murthy, SK Pal, Tensor Framework and Combined Symmetry for Hypertext Mining, Fundamenta Informaticae 97 (1), 215-234, 2009
  9. S Saha, CA Murthy, SK Pal, Rough set based ensemble classifier for web page classificationFundamenta Informaticae 76 (1-2), 171-187
Conference Proceedings:
  1. H. Mazumdar, S. Saha, B. Prajjwal, and G. Satvik, “S3t: A new self-supervised learning with swin transformer,” in IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI-2024), 2024, pp. 4–8.
  2. D. Puri, H. Saini, and S. Saha, “Linear time clustering models: A review,” in 2021 Sixth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), vol. 6, 2021, pp. 427–432.
  3. LS Patel, S Saha, SP Ghrera, Efficient Nystrom method for low rank approximation and error analysis, 2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing.
  4. A Rawat, S Saha, SP Ghrera, Time efficient ranking system on map reduce framework, 2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing.
  5. M Sharma, S Saha, Graph based approach for minimum multicollinearity highly accurate regression model explaining maximum variability, Confluence 2014, 5th International Conference
  6. Arvind, J Suchi, S Suman, Reduction in Searching Time of Inverted Index using Bloom Filter, ERCICA-2014
  7. M Sharma, S Suman, Robust Best Regressor Model with Minimum Multicollinearity, I2CT-2014, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES FOR CONVERGENCE OF TECHNOLOGY, Pune,India.
  8. Y Singh, S Saha, U Chugh, C Gupta, Distributed Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks for Forest Fires, Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2013 UKSim 15th International
  9. P. Gupta, S. Agnihotri and S. Saha, Approximate data mining using sketches for massive data, CIMTA-2013, Procedia Technology, Elsevier
  10. CA Murthy, S Saha, SK Pal, Rough set based ensemble classifier, Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Rough sets, fuzzy sets.
  11. S Saha, CA Murthy, SK Pal, Rough set based ensemble prediction for topic specific web crawling, Advances in Pattern Recognition, 2009. ICAPR'09.
  12. S Saha, C Murthy, S Pal, Rough Ensemble Classifier: A Comparative Study, Fuzzy Logic and Applications, 116-123
  13. S Saha, C Murthy, S Pal, Hypertext Classification Using Tensor Space Model and Rough Set Based Ensemble Classifier, Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 213-218
  14. S Saha, C Murthy, S Pal, Classification of web services using tensor space model and rough ensemble classifier, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 508-513
Book Chapters:
  1. H. Mazumdar, S. Saha, and K. R. Khondakar, “Predictive analysis in healthcare using data science: Leveraging big data for improved patient care,” in Data Science in Medical Field), DSMF-2023, 2023.
  2. S. Roy Chowdhury and S. Saha, “Building better india,” in Large-Scale Data Streaming, Processing, and Blockchain Security, IGI Global, 2021, pp. 149–167. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3444-1.ch007.
  3. M. Dhalaria, E. Gandotra, and S. Saha, “Comparative analysis of ensemble methods for classification of android malicious applications,” in Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Singapore, 2019, pp. 370–380
Research Areas
  1. H. Mazumdar, S. Saha, B. Prajjwal, and G. Satvik, “S3t: A new self-supervised learning with swin transformer,” in IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI-2024), 2024, pp. 4–8.
  2. D. Puri, H. Saini, and S. Saha, “Linear time clustering models: A review,” in 2021 Sixth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), vol. 6, 2021, pp. 427–432.
  3. LS Patel, S Saha, SP Ghrera, Efficient Nystrom method for low rank approximation and error analysis, 2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing.
  4. A Rawat, S Saha, SP Ghrera, Time efficient ranking system on map reduce framework, 2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing.
  5. M Sharma, S Saha, Graph based approach for minimum multicollinearity highly accurate regression model explaining maximum variability, Confluence 2014, 5th International Conference
  6. Arvind, J Suchi, S Suman, Reduction in Searching Time of Inverted Index using Bloom Filter, ERCICA-2014
  7. M Sharma, S Suman, Robust Best Regressor Model with Minimum Multicollinearity, I2CT-2014, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES FOR CONVERGENCE OF TECHNOLOGY, Pune,India.
  8. Y Singh, S Saha, U Chugh, C Gupta, Distributed Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks for Forest Fires, Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2013 UKSim 15th International
  9. P. Gupta, S. Agnihotri and S. Saha, Approximate data mining using sketches for massive data, CIMTA-2013, Procedia Technology, Elsevier
  10. CA Murthy, S Saha, SK Pal, Rough set based ensemble classifier, Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Rough sets, fuzzy sets.
  11. S Saha, CA Murthy, SK Pal, Rough set based ensemble prediction for topic specific web crawling, Advances in Pattern Recognition, 2009. ICAPR'09.
  12. S Saha, C Murthy, S Pal, Rough Ensemble Classifier: A Comparative Study, Fuzzy Logic and Applications, 116-123
  13. S Saha, C Murthy, S Pal, Hypertext Classification Using Tensor Space Model and Rough Set Based Ensemble Classifier, Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 213-218
  14. S Saha, C Murthy, S Pal, Classification of web services using tensor space model and rough ensemble classifier, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 508-513