A high-performance supercomputing facility for Next Age & Quantum Computing Dedicated to Srinivasa Ramanujan on his Birth Anniversary, 22nd December 2023 (National Mathematics Day), at JU, Anoopshahr.
His extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis include Number Theory, Infinite Series, Continued Fractions, Modular Forms & Elliptic Functions, and Mock Theta Functions, which led to quantum entropy and thus black hole, in 2012.
Rademacher's proof established the validity of Ramanujan's formula and confirmed its remarkable accuracy. The Ramanujan – Rademacher formula has since become an essential tool in the study of partition functions and related areas of number theory.
Supercomputing allows solution for complex mathematical and computational tasks involving large data at a faster speed, and serves as a Catalyst for Academic and Research Excellence, Business Scale-up and Startups Growth & Collaborations.